
Tuesday 14 June 2011

A Happy Heart

Before I start to post about organisation and keeping house, I believe it is important to reflect on 'why' we strive to have a clean and organised home.  In my opinion, it shouldn't be about keeping up appearances to  please visitors and guests, rather - it is because you deserve the best in life!  You deserve to feel like your home is your haven, your special place, your retreat from the busy-ness of daily life. 

We all deserve to wake up to a clean kitchen and a kettle full of water, so that all we have to do is flick the switch and you are on your way to the welcoming aroma of coffee to help you start your day.  We all deserve to walk into the bedroom at night-time, and be greeted by a warm glowing lamp and the covers turned down, waiting for you to snuggle under them for a good night's sleep.  Do these things magically happen by themselves? Of course not!  But if you choose to have the attitude that doing small things like this are a blessing, you will soon realise that they are not a chore, rather they are a special treat for you and your loved ones.

Flylady helped me to realise that life is a blessing, and to look at housework as 'blessing my home'.  It is so important to cherish every moment of your life - even right down to chores like taking out the rubbish (I am serious - I will blog about that someday soon!).  If you haven't done so already, I suggest you check out Flylady's website, as her ideas have truly inspired me to become a better person.

When you think about your home, your chores and routines, I really hope that each and every one of you has a happy heart knowing that you do the best that you can do! As much as we all aspire to be a super-woman like Martha Stewart (well, I do!), the reality is that we are all unique and we have our own strengths and weaknesses. It really doesn't matter if things are not perfect - it's taken me a long time to realise this one! 

To close, I thought I would share a quote.  I just love inspirational quotes.  This one is a on a beautiful plaque that my husband bought for me a few years ago, when I was having a tough time.  It really sums up this post...

Happiness is offering who you are to the world and knowing it is enough.

1 comment:

  1. Cassi - I love the lamp idea! Def getting one for our bedroom when we move home :-)
