
Monday 20 June 2011

Laying Clothes Out For Tomorrow

Laying out my clothes at night is another trick I do to make my mornings run smoothly.  By choosing clothes the night before and hanging them on my special 'outfit' hangers, I don't have to make any decisions in the morning, which can be a huge time-waster if you are hopeless at decision-making like me!

These hangers are great because they work for dresses, skirt/top or pants/top combinations.  I also love that they are chocolate brown to match in with the decor of my home ;)  I bought mine at Howards Storage World, the link is here.  I am sure you can get them other places too.

This is what I am wearing tomorrow (btw - the photo does the jumper no justice)...

I even hook on my accessories, such as scarf, necklace, earrings, ribbon, etc.

When I am working (I am currently on holidays), I usually pick out a week's worth of outfits for work, and hang them side by side in the wardrobe.  Then each night, I just pick one outfit, add the accessories and then I am ready for the next day.  This helps to ensure that I rotate clothes regularly, wear a range of colours (no, I don't always wear pink!) and use different accessories, not just the same favourites.

Easy peasy :)

PS.  I am currently searching for a nice display hook to hang in my bedroom, so that I have somewhere to hang my outfit each night.  Let me know if you have any advice on where to buy nice decorative hooks!

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