
Wednesday 29 June 2011

Organising Cookie Cutters

This post carries on from my Organising Kitchen Drawers post yesterday, which you can read here.

So, what what did I do with my cookie cutters that were cluttering up my kitchen drawers?

Well, I had my latest organising idea, which I was soooo excited to put into action.  I had a think about how we used to organise gadgets at Robins - everything hung on the wall.  I didn't want a 'gadget bar' in the middle of my kitchen, so I decided to utilise some of the wasted inside-door space of my baking tins cupboard - which also had a reno that I will post about tomorrow!  I thought if I could hang hooks on the doors, then my cutters could all hang nicely, just like my accessories do in my accessories cupboard!

Here is how I did it:

I went to Bunnings and bought these great hooks.  They cost around $4.00 for 25 hooks - bargain!  I made sure that the hooks were wide enough to fit a cookie cutter, and also made sure that the thread of the screw wasn't going to come through the front side of the door.  These were perfect!  (They are 32mm square hooks.)

Next, I measured the dimensions of the inside of the door.  I marked the same space out on my bench and then lay all of my cutters within the boundaries, trying to work out the best configuration for the hooks and cutters to hang.  After a bit of playing around, I decided to have 4 rows of 3 hooks on the inside of each door.  I drew a picture of this (I am a very visual person) and calculated the exact measurements that I needed for the hooks.

Then I took my trusty pink measuring tape and marked the inside of the doors with a little dot (using lead pencil) where I wanted the hooks to go.  This didn't take too long to do, and I really do recommend doing the measuring as the end product looks so much neater if you are accurate with your spacing.

Then I just had to wait for my darling husband to come home and get busy with the drill....  I do consider myself to be handy, but tools are just not my thing and I would have been horrified if I had have done something stupid like drill a hole right through the door ;)  So, I wait patiently.

And after a few requests and reminders that evening, at 8pm Mick got out the drill and drilled 24 little holes, and then used his big pliers to screw in the hooks!  What a wonderful husband :)  He is very obliging with my 'great ideas' - I think everything will only take 5 minutes and that it will be super easy.  Lucky for me, Mick can help me when reality hits and I need some man-power to help my projects come to fruition!

So, here is the final product...

Now, all of my cookie cutters have a home, along with my egg rings (yes - I have heart shaped egg rings - thanks Mum!), scone/pastry cutters, templates, and more.  Plus I still have  few spare hooks for new additions to my collection.

It is so true that if you can't see something, then you don't use it.  Now I can see all of my cutters, and can plan my baking around them.  I also know what I don't have, so I can look out for different ones at the shops in the future.  I know I don't need anymore love hearts or stars ;)

This is a super cheap make-over, but one which has made me really smile!

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