
Saturday 6 August 2011

Keeping House - Zone 2 (Kitchen)

Week 2 of the month, and our focus area of the home is our Kitchen.  In most cases, the kitchen is the heart of the home.  We come together to share food, drinks and stories in this special place.  Below I have listed a little job to focus on each day of this week.  Each one, you can do in less than fifteen minutes, but is sure to have an impact on your kitchen...

Day One
On the first day, we always declutter.  My kitchen bench is a magnet for any and everything!  I keep boxes, caddies and folders here, in an attempt to organise the 'piles' that magically appear here every single day ;)  Take the time today to put away anything that doesn't belong on the bench, and tidy any caddies that you have there too.  Then quickly spray the bench and wipe it clean - I bet it makes you smile :)

Day Two
Wipe down the fridge doors.  A stainless steel fridge can be a bit of a pain, as it accumulates lots of fingerprints on it.  I use stainless steel wipes to clean my fridge, as it seems to put a nice coating over the surface, which reduces the number of spots that appear.
Day Three
Wipe down the cupboard doors.  It doesn't have to be perfect, just a quick spray and then wipe over with a damp cloth.  I bet you can do this in less than fifteen minutes!

Day Four
Refill the tea, coffee and sugar canisters.  Nothing says 'I love you' like a full canister of your favourite drink first thing in the morning...  Also give the sugar spoon a wash so that is sparkles again!

Day Five
Tidy your utensil drawers.  I did a post last month on organising kitchen drawers.  You can read about it here.  If you already have your drawers organised, take a minute to straighten things up again.  If not, spend 15 minutes decluttering and tidying those drawers that seem to take on a life of their own!!

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