
Saturday 29 October 2011

Picnic or Camping Lunch Tip - Hot Dogs

Today I have a super-easy lunch idea for people on the run.  I can't remember where I heard this idea, but it was many years ago now, and has certainly satisfied our lunch hunger on many camping trips, picnics or days out and about.
Hot dogs would have to be one of my Dad and my husband's favourite meals!  Yes, I know - it sounds pretty weird but they just love a good hot dog!  My Mum is an amazing cook, but for Father's Day this year Dad's request was not a gourmet meal, but... Hot Dogs!  And I also remember at high school, we had a whole 2 lines at the canteen for hot dogs!  Nothing else was sold from these lanes but hot dogs, and the lines were always chock-a-block!  So, hot dogs have a bit of history in my world ;)

You would understand my delight when I read in a magazine that a great way to take hot dogs 'on the go' is in a thermos!  Yep, it is that easy.  Just boil the water at home in the morning (the kettle works fine), half-fill the thermos, then pop in the hot diggity dogs and put the lid on tight.

Then at lunch time, drain out the water (carefully - it stays really hot!) and you have steaming hot dogs to put on your fresh buns.  Add a little tomato sauce, American mustard and some grated cheese and you have a super delicious lunch on the run!

I have also done this with Cheerios (mini-frankfurts), and it made an awesome mid-morning snack on a boating outing we had with some friends.

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