
Sunday 15 January 2012

Stationery - Black & White Office Accessories

I just had to share this beautiful stationery range that I found at Big W over the weekend!  The desk accessories come in black or white leatherette, and the folders have these amazing black and white patterns on them! 

I have been looking around for a while for a new 'look' for my work office.  I thought I needed a change from good old pink!  Gasp!  Don't worry - I still have a pink diary and pencil case, just to keep things cheery and bright ;)

So, here is the range (or rather the bits that I bought) that are going to keep me super organised this year at work:

Saturday 14 January 2012

Car Organisation

I love having storage solutions in my home to keep things organised, but having a system in your car is essential too.  Today I will share with you how I organise my glove compartments/consoles in my car.

Thursday 12 January 2012

Cafe Cassadiva - Beef Wrap Kebabs

In our younger days, my husband and I always used to love getting a kebab on our way home from a night out on the coast.  We always stopped at the same kebab shop, and always ordered the same thing - beef kebab with lettuce, tomato, cheese, tabbouleh, tomato sauce and tahini sauce.  Then we moved away from the coast, and away from our favourite kebab shop!  So, we decided to make our own kebabs, and it has been one of our favourite dinners ever since... (note it has changed from a midnight snack to a dinner snack - we are too old to go out now ;)

Wednesday 11 January 2012

Camping - Meal Planning & Food Preparation

I blogged last year about camping organisation here and here.  I wrote my Ultimate Camping Checklist, and also How to Organise Camping Supplies.  The other key to a relaxed trip is to plan your meals.  I always try to meal plan at home (you can read about that here), but it is absolutely necessary when going camping. When you have limited space, refrigeration and cooking options, it is essential to plan ahead.  I created this template, which you can download here, to record a variety of meals for each meal of the day that you are away.  

Tuesday 10 January 2012

Cafe Cassadiva - Gingernut Caramel Tarts

While I love to bake, I also love a good recipe that consists of lots of 'packets'!  It usually indicates that the process will be easy and the outcome will be delicious!  So, today I thought I would share with you how to make Caramel Tarts using Gingernut Biscuits as the 'base'.

Cafe Cassadiva - Mango Champagne Cocktails

These would have to be the easiest and most delicious cocktail ever!  My lovely sister makes them on Christmas Day for the family, and we just love them!  They are perfect in warm weather, so refreshing!

Sunday 8 January 2012

Organising Fabric

My latest organising project has been in my new laundry, organising my fabric.  I am pretty excited that this is a peek at what my cupboard now looks like!

Saturday 7 January 2012

Cafe Cassadiva - Tic Toc Teacup Biscuits

These are the sweetest little teacups I have ever seen!