
Saturday 10 March 2012

Busy Times

My goodness it has been a while since I have blogged!  I have seriously not had time to even think about blogging... Life has been somewhat chaotic (in a good kind of way) for the past 7 weeks!

It all started with going back to work after my lovely Christmas holidays, and dealing with the implementation of our wonderful new Australian Curriculum.  Anyone who thinks a teacher has an easy job is dreaming, and I admire all of my amazing teachers who have embraced the new curriculum and ploughed on through the ups and downs of the implementation roller coaster that has been our reality so far this term!  So, this is one reason why I haven't been blogging... I am doing ridiculous hours at school (and at home), but that is all part of the job, and at the end of the day I always tell myself that it is worth it - for the kids!  Those gorgeous kids who are going to be our future someday soon :)

Oh, I should mention that I also moved office this year, and I have managed to find some time to decorate my new workspace...  And make it a bit more fun!

We have also had a holiday to Fiji for my beautiful cousin's wedding!  It was a bit of a whirlwind trip (only 4 nights), but we had such fun and were very grateful to be there to share such a special event!

Then we had my sister's hens party - an 80's theme girly night!  It was super fun, but lots and lots to organise!  Here is a sneak peak of our crazy night...

And just this weekend, we had my sister's wedding!!  Remember I shared their engagement decorations with you here??  Well, here we are 8 months later and they are a happily married couple!  The wedding was just divine!  I look forward to sharing lots more about it soon...

And if that hasn't been a busy enough time, we still have one major event to go!  My gorgeous niece is turning 1 in two weeks, so we still have a pink polka dot themed 1st Birthday and Naming Day to plan for! 

So many fun things!  But so little sleep and no time for blogging...  Thanks for being patient! You know I will fill you in on all of the juicy details as soon as I have a chance :)

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