
Thursday 19 April 2012

Cassadiva has been featured!

I am so excited to announce that my new laundry has been featured over at the fabulous My Pigeon Pair blog!  Pop on over and check it out :)

While you are there, make sure you look around and see all of the great ideas that the lovely Larissa has 'swooped' on and shared on her blog!

I have been so overwhelmed with beautiful comments about my laundry, since I posted about it last week.  It took me sooooo long to blog about this renovation that we did last year, because I was waiting for it to 'perfect'.  Last week I decided that it would never be perfect and there would always be 'one last thing' to add.  So, I took the plunge and shared our room, as it stands today!  Thank you to everyone who has been so supportive and I would like to extend a warm welcome to all of our new friends who have found me over the recent days!  It has been lovely to meet you :)

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