
Friday 20 April 2012

Hair - GHD Curls with Flower Clip

I promised a while back to start sharing photos of my hair.  2012 is My Year of Good Hair!  I have had lots of fun experimenting with different styles, and am starting to get a collection of photos of the different ways that I wear my hair.

Recently, I decided to curl my hair (which actually took longer than usual because a few strands just didn't want to cooperate!), and I thought that rather than go with a headband, I would just pop in a clip.

I bought this flower clip for about $3 from Big W at the after Christmas sales.  I wear LOTS of this orange/watermelon/coral colour, so I was really excited to find this clip!
On this particular day, I curled my hair (you can find the link to my inspiration and technique here), as per my usual technique.  Then I swept my fringe behind my left ear and slid in a bobby pin just above my ear. Then I clipped the flower on over the bobby pin. I find that clips sometimes come loose, so the pin ensured that it stayed in all day.

This is the behind view... I am not very good at the back yet, I tend to tease it up at the top, which covers any lumps and bumps at the back of my head, and do a few curls and spray them randomly around. 

I call it the 'messy look' - really it is just that I have no idea how to do the 'neat look' ;)

This hair do stayed in for one epic shopping day, I left home at 8.15am and got home around 6pm, and I thought that it still looked good enough to keep wearing if I had have gone out that night (I hit the couch instead!).

Just loving my curls!  If you haven't tried it yet, I recommend that you do :)


  1. looks good Cas!you should try a Curl Envy curler... its like a wave barrel curl,
    try a side pinned style as well if you cant master the back curls yet... works a treat!
    Simone :)

    1. Thanks for the tip Simone! I will definitely look into the Curl Envy curler! I have been playing with some side styles - let me know if you have any good online references I can check out! xxx
