
Sunday 20 May 2012


I must admit that I usually don't get too sick.  Maybe a cold or a throat infection once a year, but I am usually pretty resilient to the nasty bugs that fly around...

That was until last week!  After having a few bad weeks of 'health' news about friends and family, I think my morale and hence my immune system must have been down, because!

Today is my 9th day on the couch from what has been diagnosed as tonsillitis, a virus and/or the flu.  Even my poor doctor (who I have consulted with 3 times in this period) is somewhat baffled at what I had.  Thankfully, I have just had the all clear from tests that she ran on Friday, and there are officially no 'nasties' in my blood cells.  I am assuming that means I will live to see another day, hopefully outside of the confines of my house!

Here are some pictures of what has made up my life for the past week...

So, I apologise for not posting anything on the blog, my life has seriously been sleeping, eating, napping and watching movies.  Thanks to my amazing family for looking after me!  My hubby has been just great at bringing me my meds, checking on me in the middle of the night and cooking me dinners.  My mum, dad, sisters and brothers-in-law have been awesome, bringing around meals, groceries and sending me text messages every single day.  I am so lucky to have such a caring family!  I love you all :)

I really hope to be back to my regular routine, working and blogging again really soon...

Maybe just after a nap ;)


  1. Oh no you poor thing! I hope you feel better soon. I love this time of the year because it is not too hot and not too cold, but I hate the nasties flying around. All my children and my poor hubby have all been sick, luckily I am the only one still standing! Get better soon.

    1. I know - the weather is just stunning at the moment, but the nasty bugs that are floating around are not nice :( xxx
