
Tuesday 24 July 2012

Zone 4 - Master Bedroom (Quick Afternoon Jobs for July)

Lots of you have been following my 'zone' posts this month, so I thought that I would keep up with the challenges, and even if you do just one, I am so proud of you :)

The Master Bedroom


Put away any accessories that are on your dressing table or bench.  I know I tend to procrastinate putting my accessories away in my Assessories Closet from time to time.  It makes getting ready in the morning so much easier if everything is in its place.


In keeping with our jobs this month from Zone 2 and Zone 3, wipe over the switch plates and power points in your master bedroom.  This is such a quick job!


Vacuum under the bed.  I am lucky, my Robomaid does this for me!  You sleep in your bed every night, make the air that you breathe cleaner by getting rid of all that dust underneath the bed.


Straighten your sock drawer.  I did mine last week :)  This week I am going to straighten my hubby's sock drawer.


Let's 'fling five' on Friday!  Go to your wardrobe and take out five items that you can donate to charity. If you know that last time you wore it it wasn't comfy, or it didn't flatter you or it is just out of style now, fling it!  Bless someone else less fortunate with your unwanted clothes.

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