
Sunday 12 August 2012

A Beautiful Birthday Calendar

I have been meaning to share this amazing gift that I received for my birthday this year of my very special friend, Mel.

Mel is one of those friends to me who is just like a sister to me, we talk every week and catch up for coffee, chats or dinner most fortnights too.  We worked together a few years ago, and we have been through births, deaths, marriages, family illness and so much more together.  She is so inspiring and motivating and I feel so lucky to have her in my life.

Earlier this year, she took my breath away by giving me this beautiful birthday calendar that she hand-made for me!  You can see how much work has gone into this masterpiece, from painting, to glueing, to threading and most importantly, contacting my husband and my mum for all of the important birthdays in our family.

It never ceases to amaze me how she thought up the concept for this masterpiece!  Such simple materials, but the way she has put it all together and combined my decor colours, makes it look so pretty!

It is made out of a coathanger and a 'cherish' quote, lots of ribbons and some beads.

There is one long ribbon for each month of the year, and then the beads below state the birthday details of my family.  She even gave me extra beads to add in extra birthdays, which I am still yet to do.

What a clever idea, it looks amazing and I just love that I can decorate my home with the birthdays of all of the special people in my life.

Thanks Mel! You are an amazing friend!

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