
Friday 14 September 2012

20 Days to Clean and Organise Your Home - Week 2

I have been so proud of everyone who has been doing this challenge with the Organised Housewife!  What an impact she is having on households around our world!  There is nothing better than a little organising challenge, and it is great to see so many people inspired to participate.

I am finding it hard to do before/after photos of the little projects I have been doing, as I am mostly doing them late afternoon/night and it just is not the prime time for taking good photographs without the natural light... 

So, rather than post some awful before/after pics of how I am going with the challenge, I thought I would link back to some of my posts that show how I already organise some of the areas in my home that have been in the challenge this week.  And thankfully, most of these systems are still working a treat in my house, so it is just fine-tuning and tweaking that I have been doing to make sure that things are still running smoothly.

I am still in love with how I organise my baking tins, everytime I open the cupboard door...

Organising Baking Tins - here

My kitchen drawers are still clutter free...

And my calendar still has pride of place on our fridge, holding all of our important dates and appointments.

Keep up the great work everyone!  I find I am more inspired to participate when I see everyone else joining in the fun too - thanks for help me out :)


  1. I love your calander. Think I might pinch your ideas there. It's so pretty.

    1. Thanks Emma! It looks like you are making great progress with the challenge! Keep up the great work :) xx
