
Tuesday 2 October 2012

Cash Stash - Money Saving Envelope (Part 3)

Today is Day 3 in my Cash Stash series.  If you have missed the first two days, the links are at the bottom of this page.

Ok, the third way to contribute to your Cash Stash is:

3)  Food and drinks

A really easy way to see money disappear when you are out and about is through purchasing food and drinks on the run.  Not only does this hurt your budget, but more often than not, we resort to fast food, which is not all that nutritious for our bodies.  

I drink a lot of water, and I always take a water bottle with me whenever I go out.  It is so important to keep your body hydrated, and I hate being caught without water.  It also saves money if I fill up my water bottle at home, rather than buying a bottle at a kiosk, not to mention that it is better for the environment.

Often, we take a little cooler bag, esky or plug in our car fridge if we are going for a drive or a day trip. Sometimes we just take drinks (water/poppers/cans of soft drink) and some snacks (muesli bars/fruit/nuts). This saves us buying drinks from take-away shops or service stations - which can be really expensive!  The snacks also help to keep us out of the take-away shops in between meals, or helps to hold us over until we get home.  For any drinks that we consume out of our cooler bag, I put away $2 in my Cash Stash.  I know I had to buy it in the first place, but it is still much cheaper at the supermarket (especially if you buy in bulk)!

Other times, I actually pack our lunch for day trips.  Quiche, mini quicheshot dogs, cold pizza, bread rolls and sandwiches are ideas of lunches that we take with us.

This can save us a small fortune at times!  Lunch from a take-away shop for two of us, can often cost up to $20, or lunch at a cafe or restaurant can cost up to $50!  What a big saving we make, by taking our own food.  Of course, it is lovely to eat out too, and we do enjoy a good meal, so it is not every single time that we head out that we BYO.  Life is for living, after all!  But when we do take our own lunch, I transfer some money into my Cash Stash, to convert the funds that we saved into my growing money pile working towards my financial goals!

Tomorrow I will share yet another way you can see your Cash Stash multiple right before your eyes...

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