
Saturday 13 October 2012

Our Little Miracle

I have the most exciting news to share with you all... I am having a baby!  I just over the moon to be 13 weeks pregnant, due next April.  I am just so excited about being a mummy - I know it will be the most amazing experience of my life.

We have just been overwhelmed with the love and support that we have received from everyone who we have shared our news with... We didn't think that this time could be any more special, and then being showered with hugs, kisses, phone calls, messages, emails, cards and even tiny little presents to fit a tiny little baby, have just made this whole experience so much more of a blessing.

I thought I would answer a couple of the most commonly asked questions to date, so that you can get a little insight this special time in our lives...

Have you been feeling sick?
OMG!  I had no idea how ill I was going to feel!  I have had 'morning sickness' all day, most days for the past 6 weeks!  I have not cooked a meal in 6 weeks (eek!), and I eat vegemite toast for three meals a day!  I also love Jatz, two fruits, cheese, and raspberry slush puppies.  And that is about all!  Thankfully, the insane tiredness stopped a couple of weeks ago - I read somewhere that the fatigue in early pregnancy is like having a sleeping disorder - holy moly...I couldn't agree more!  I felt like a complete zombie - hence why I have been spending an awful lot of time on my couch lately - I think I have watched more TV in 6 weeks than I have in the past 6 years!  You could imagine that I have been itching to get into some baby-preparation projects, but my body has just wanted to rest, so that is exactly what I have been doing.  For the first time in my life, I am putting myself before everything else in this world - and I couldn't be happier about this decision.

Are you going to find out what you are having?
No.  At the moment, I am really wanting to have a big surprise.  Everyone I know is shocked about this (being the organisation freak that I am), but I have waited a very long time for this to happen, and, to me, I feel so blessed that I am having a baby - whether it is a boy or a girl is just not something that I am concerned about right now.

Are you showing yet?
Those of you who know me, know that there isn't really too much to me.  As I have been quite sick, I have certainly gone down in numbers on the scales, rather than up over the past 13 weeks :(  But, I do have a very distinct little 'bump' happening, which has popped out just these last couple of weeks.  I have noticed that my wardrobe selection is about a quarter of what it used to be - a good excuse to go shopping, I say!  So, while it is not really obvious that I have a belly full of arms and legs, I do believe that there is a slight bump there to show for all of my hard work to date!!

So, there is my little update for this week - pretty boring, huh?!  Lol!

And, yes, I guess that my little blog will take a slight change in direction...  I am sure to become baby-crazed like all first-time mums, but hopefully you will all enjoy the 'flavour change' as much as I plan to ;)  I was super-excited to spend last night creating a Nursery pinterest board, which you can see here.  I am loving the neutral look of white and beige/light brown...  There are so many stunning nurseries out there - I can't wait to copy all of my favourite bits from them to create a special space for my little one!



    So happy and thrilled beyond words for you. I can't wait to hear all about your pregnancy and of course your beautiful little bub xx

  2. Congratulations! I look forward to lots of cute pics!

  3. Congrats!!! Exciting. I'd love to see some baby posts, it's not a bad turn at all!
