
Sunday 25 November 2012

Baked Potatoes - Cooking Tip

I posted my favourite Coleslaw recipe recently, and mentioned how great it tastes when topping a baked potato.  Further, I thought that I would share this baking tip that I was once given by a chef... 

Friday 23 November 2012

Breakfast Buddies

We often get asked if we have any pets, since we live on acreage.  People are often surprised to find that we don't have any pets at all!  Neither of us have ever wanted to commit to the daily chores associated with having pets, and since we both have worked full time forever, it didn't seem fair getting animals and then leaving them at home all day by themselves.  This might change one day when we have children, but for now, it works for us.

Plus, we are so lucky to have so much wildlife in our yard anyway.  Every morning there are at least 50 ducks down by our dam, we have half a dozen water hens that roam the yard, plus we regularly have wallabies grazing on the lawns, and we have a resident kookaburra too.  It is pretty special!

Saturday 17 November 2012

Coleslaw Recipe

I just love fresh, crunchy coleslaw.  This recipe was shared with me quite a few years ago, by a very lovely lady I used to work with.  I love making this coleslaw, and everyone always comments that it is delicious and refreshing!  This also makes a great summer meal, when you bake a giant potato and then top it with sour cream, cheese and a big serve of this yummy coleslaw :)

Wednesday 7 November 2012

Chocolate Cupcakes

Today I thought I would share these photos that I took quite a while back of some easy cupcakes that I made.  As per usual, I used my favourite chocolate flavoured packet cake mix, and on this occasion I used chocolate frosting in a can!  Doesn't get much easier than this!

Sunday 4 November 2012

Organising Photos Digitally

With all of the time I have been spending on the couch lately, I haven't done many projects at all.  One project that I could work on from the comfort of my beloved couch was backing up and organising all of my digital photos.

Earlier this year, I bought myself a 1 Terrabyte External Hard Drive.  I wanted something that would last for years, and hold all of my photos, movies and computer files as a back-up.  I have backed up my work laptop, my portable External Hard Drive which has all of my work files on it, my Digital Frame USBs plus all of our photos. 

Friday 2 November 2012

Some Baby Presents

I wanted to share with you some of the amazing gifts that we have received since announcing our pregnancy.  We have been so overwhelmed with everyone's generosity, and I am so impressed with how creative people can be when it comes to giving a little baby gift!

I have always found it hard to know what to give an expecting or new mum, so I thought I would share these fabulous ideas you might like to use yourself.

A Handmade Beanie

My mum got knitting straight away (when I was like four weeks pregnant!) and made this teeny tiny beanie!  It is so adorable!  And is sure to be used a lot, as my baby will be arriving in autumn, as the cooler weather starts to set in.