
Friday 28 December 2012

A Lime Green, Black & Silver Graduation

At the end of the school year, I had the pleasure of being involved in decorating our school hall for the year 7 graduation.  We have a beautiful hall (it is not at all like a sports shed!), so it was a lovely space to work with.  The main issue we had was that there was 200+ people for a sit-down meal, so making such a large space look good was our challenge!

Firstly, I will say that I will only take credit for the table centrepieces.  This is was my contribution, and I certainly didn't make all of these by myself - I couldn't have done it without my office buddy!  We used the method that I shared in this post on How To Make Tissue Paper Flowers.  The rest of the details were planned and executed by our very talented senior school deputy principal - who made this night a truly memorable event for all of the students involved.

So here are some snaps of what it looked like...

The flowers were arranged by a lovely grandmother from the school...

The foyer of the hall is pictured below...  We decorated the groundsman's golf buggy in fairy lights - the kids had a ball getting photos taken in there!  And with a few streamers and some spare poms, this little area was a very inviting entry into the graduation.

The cake was designed by one of our very creative year 7 students (it was their Term 4 Technology and Design unit), and was actually made by one of the very clever mums at the school.  It looked (and tasted) amazing!

It was such a lovely night to be involved in.  The kids had an absolute ball, and I am so glad that some of their final memories of primary school will be fond ones celebrated in our very own school hall.

And in case you are looking for some more graduation ideas, you can take a peek at my pinterest board that helped to get my creative juices flowing here.


  1. We did a great job Cassi. I will always remember how to make those pompoms now thanks to you. I got better at it as I went!

    1. We sure did! It was a fun day getting everything ready. You did great... And now you know how easy it is to make them ;)
