
Thursday 17 January 2013

Finishing Off Friday - 18/1/2013

Week 2 of Finishing Off Friday, and I have lots to report!  This is 2013 focus is working great for me!

My Baby's Nursery

- I bought these gorgeous cot bags this week - aren't they sweet?!

- The baby was also treated to these gorgeous rattle cubes by my lovely Aunty Pia - they are sure to look great on display until bub is old enough to realise what they are!

- I packed some Skubb boxes with nappy changing bits and pieces, ready for the drawers (when my darling husband gets around to assembling them!)

- I also packed the baskets for bath time that will live in the laundry, where I will bath the baby in my big laundry sink

- My mum spent the day yesterday making these gorgeous cot sheets for me!  So lucky :)

- And I bought my nappy bag!  I am just in love with this Oroton tote bag that I found at 60% off.  It is not a traditional nappy bag as such, but with a few organising bags added in, I am sure I will make it a functional bag that will serve me well.

My Study

This week's progress:

- Assembled 2 x 6 cube units which will form one side of under-bench storage

- Re-sorted lots of scrapbooking supplies into tubs, containers, boxes
- Created these cute labels for all of the tubs, containers, boxes drawers

- Covered tin cans with scrapbooking paper to make pretty pencil tins

- Culled a stack of old catalogues, brochures and magazines

Macy's Baby Album

- I  completed another 12 layouts for the album... I am so much closer to finishing now!  My dining table is a big mess with all of the supplies I have been using, but that is reality and it means I have productive!!

I was also excited to have the Becky Higgins Sweet Baby Kit and 'Vanilla' We R Memory Keepers album arrive this week for my own baby's album!  I am not unpacking anything until Macy's album is complete though - no new projects until another one bites the dust ;)

My Laundry

- Since I had so much fun labelling everything for my study, I used the same template and created labels for the boxes in my laundry.  This has been on my to-do list since 2011 - eek!  Thank goodness it is finally done!

Other Projects

- Decoupaged my first thing ever!  I am just thrilled with how this clipboard turned out!  It has been on my to-do list for so long, and can't believe how easy and fun it was to do!  You are definitely going to be seeing more decoupaging from me in the future ;)

- Made a card for a special little man's Christening

- I have completed 2 digital photo books on iPhoto, which have arrived in the past week.  I still have about 5 half-finished iPhoto books on the go, but having 2 complete and on display on my coffee table sure is motivation to get the others done too!

- And in the spirit of 'Finishing Off', I finished this great book that my sisters gave me for Christmas!  I love a good law story...

Obviously, I am just loving my 'Finishing Off' focus!  It has really helped me to stay on track and stay productive on those days when I am feeling a little less motivated.  Even doing one small job that is working towards my bigger projects feels like an accomplishment, as it is contributing to me achieving my goals sooner.

The other thing that has really helped is the fact that we are now down to one computer in the house.  So, rather than sitting on the internet at night time, I am pottering around on my jobs, or reading - both of which I find much more rewarding than aimless net surfing!  I do my internet/computer jobs in the day time, and leave the computer free for Mick at night time.  I find that I don't waste too much time on the internet during the day, as I always want to get up and moving, so this new routine has really worked to my benefit :)

I hope that you managed to Finish Off some projects this week, or at least take some steps towards completing something that you have been working on!

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