
Thursday 31 January 2013

Finishing Off Friday - 1st February 2013

It has now been officially 1 month of me working on my 2013 focus - Finishing Off.  I have to say that it has been great, and I am loving the way lots of my projects are coming together... rather than being put to the side to make way for another new grand idea (which I just don't have time for)!  So, here is this week's progress report:


- Mick hung the rod in the baby's wardrobe (the old one broke last year - I had overloaded it with jackets and bags!), so I had lots of fun organising all of the sweet clothes that we have been given.  We are so grateful to have been all of these clothes either brand new as gifts, or as hand-me-downs from people we know.  I just love standing looking at all of the tiny little suits that our baby will be wearing soon!  They are just adorable.

- I sorted the clothes into sizes and decided to make labels to separate them for ease of use.  I found some super cute dividing hangers online (which you can see on my Pinterest board here), but I decided to go with a simple label using materials that I already had on hand.  I love how they turned out!

- I completed another frame of wall art, using this super sweet teddy bear template.

- And we hung up both of the frames on the wall (but I don't have a picture to show you sorry!)


- I folded some fabric that was left over from sister's hens party almost 12 months ago, and added it to my fabric collection.

This created a good chunk of space on the shelf that will come in handy in the future, not to mention how easy it is to see and access all of my fabric when it organised like this!

- I made this cute bunting to decorate the wall on my sewing bench.

- And I laminated some cardstock to stick onto my sewing machine cover, just to pretty things up!

I feel like the laundry is almost done now.  The things still on my to-do list in here are to make a new ironing board cover and make a new pin cushion cover.  And perhaps a little re-arrange of the cupboards once I create a baby bath and changing station in here to make way for towels, nappies, etc. Otherwise, this room looks great and is really functional, with oodles of space left for me to build my sewing supplies over the coming years!


- I centralised all of the spare stationery that I have and put it into this box.  I have enough file folders and notepads to do me for many years to come - note to self, don't buy any more!!

- I sorted through three boxes of storybooks.  I pulled out all of the board books that will go in the baby's room.  I also sorted the rest of the books into soft-cover, hard-cover and novels.  I am still not sure where the books are going to get stored long term, we will have to see how much space is left in the study once everything else has been moved.  But I do have the dream of covering all of my soft-cover books in clear contact, just to help protect them for the years ahead.  Let's see if I actually get around to that ;)

- I bought a stack of greeting cards to top up my 2013 card supply - I shared how I organise my greetings cards not long ago here.


- I completed the Time Capsule for Macy's album.  This included a lot of Googling for the facts from the year she was born - 2012.

- I completed and ordered our 2012 Family Album through iPhoto, plus burned the slideshow to DVD to give to my family.  That's my third completed digital photo book this year!

-  I do have quite an assortment of photo albums from my teenage years (pre-1997), which I plan to streamline sometime in the future.  For now though, these will just stay stored in this box, which hides the mis-match of albums until I work out what I would like to do with it all.  This is not high on my priority list at the moment, as the photos are all in albums, arranged chronologically, and they have names and dates written on the back of them, so essentially they are organised, they are just not in matching albums (letting go of that perfectionism!!).

- And finally, this morning I printed 200 photos from July-December 2011 for my Project Life album.  This is sure to keep me busy this weekend!!

Another busy week has flown by, and plenty more plans to keep going on getting these projects done, using this process of baby-steps so that I don't feel overwhelmed, and not starting any new projects, so that I don't get sidetracked!

You can see the rest of my 'Finishing Off' progress to date here.

Have a great weekend!


  1. You have been busy! What program do you use for the slideshow - dvd? Would love to do that!

    1. I use iPhoto on the Mac. You can create photobooks on there, which you can buy online and have delivered to your door. You can also view the photobook as a slideshow and burn to DVD, add your own music, etc! It is a fabulous program - I love it! It is on my 'To Blog About' list :) xx
