
Thursday 14 February 2013

Finishing Off Friday - 15th February 2012

The Nursery

- We hung this gorgeous wall shelf above the drawers in the nursery!  I think the hooks will be so cute with little toys hanging off them, and also special outfits can get displayed here too.

One of my girlfriends told me not to hang a wall shelf above the change table, so we made sure that it was high enough so that the baby won't be able to reach up and grab it once he/she gets more mobile.  Great tip - thanks TL ;)

- I also completed another little photo frame, this time it is subway art, using this free printable from the Eighteen 25 blog.


- I forgot to add in last week's post that I had filed the 200 photos from July-December of 2011 into my Project Life album.  Photos are in, including title cards being dated, and blank journalling cards are in the slots ready to go.  I just need to complete the journalling to go with the pictures.  That was a big task that I did over the weekend, so I guess that is why I forgot to add it in...  I was also super tired and not myself last week, so maybe that's why too!

- This week, I printed 200+ photos again!  This time for my 2012 Project Life album.  I stuck to my same routine of sorting into chronological order, adding dates and then filing into my album.  For my 2012 album I am using the Turquoise Project Life core kit.  I love having different cards to work with for each year!  It keeps the albums looking fresh, and the thing I love about this kit is all of the inspiring words that the journalling cards have on them.  I lay all of the journalling cards out so that I could see the different designs, which made it easy to pick and choose ones that had the right colours and quotes on them to match the events and pictures.

- I filed these photos into the album and 2012 is now up to date!  (With a few exceptions, I have a few to re-print in different sizes and some that I missed).  Again, I have the journalling to do, however I figure that the photos are the hard part, and journalling will be a fabulous job for me to do in a few weeks when I am feeling tired and wanting things to do that I can just sit around and do at my own pace.

I even completed backing the memorabilia which is in different sized pockets using the matching Turquoise cardstock.  This was a fiddly job that I usually procrastinate doing for a long time, but I just got in and did it!

- I wrote dates on the monthly divider cards for Macy's album, to match the photos that were selected for the layouts.  This way she will know when the event happened and also the milestones for her first year.

- I also 'interviewed' my sister using all of the journalling prompts for the Sweet Baby Kit for Macy's album...  Now I just need to write up my notes onto the journalling cards and Macy's album is done!!

- I have been itching to start my own baby's album, but I have stayed true to my 'finish one project before starting a new one' motto for 2013....  I am sure that you will see me sharing the start of my baby's album in the next few weeks!!

Other Projects

- I actually blogged every day this week!  I was so excited to get back into my blogging groove.  I am thinking that 3 posts per week is achievable for me right now, however with Valentine's Day this week, I got extra-inspired to share.  I have planned my posts for the next couple of weeks, so hopefully I can keep up with those too.

The entire series of my Finishing Off Friday posts can be viewed here.  I am getting HEAPS of great feedback on these posts, so it is great to have you all coming along for the ride with me!  It certainly keeps me motivated and inspired to keep going with my big projects, knowing that you are all there supporting me the whole way!  Thanks a bunch :)

I can't wait to start using my Project Life Cherry Edition to begin my 2013 album next week - I just love the colours and designs of the kit!  Look forward to sharing it with you soon....

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