
Thursday 18 April 2013

Finishing Off Friday - 19th April 2013

To all of our new friends here on the blog, welcome to Finishing Off Friday!  This year is my 'Year of Finishing Off', and each Friday I post about the jobs that I have managed to accomplish in the week just passed.  I feel I have achieved so much this year already by having this focus, and I have been determined not to start any new projects until all of my old/unfinished projects are crossed off my list!  So, here we go....

Today is my due date!  If this is being published, it means that the baby has still decided to stay snug as a bug in my tummy!!  Which drives me crazy some days, and other days it doesn't bother me.  Like everyone, I have good days and bad days, and this past couple of weeks have been laced with a few not so 'good' days... only due to my own impatience!  This is a picture of me taken yesterday afternoon, at our favourite little get-away place, just 15 minutes from home:

So, on the topic of Finishing Off, while I have been reluctant to really do anything major around the house, I have tried to keep my mind busy by doing little things here and there.  This is what I managed to do this week:


- I planned my layouts, printed my photos, filed the photos into pockets and completed the journalling for my March/April Project Life.  I previously haven't planned layouts, rather just printed photos and stuck them in the sleeves and hoped for the best.  However, now that I am on top of the process and up to date, I have decided that I could start experimenting with some different designs of photo pocket pages.  I still love Design A pages, as they are just so easy to work with, but sometimes when I have lots of portrait photos, it is good to try a different style of page.  I am thrilled that this is what my 2013 progress looks like now:

- I printed out and filed my Cook Islands Travel Journal blog posts for my 2011 Project Life album.  I printed it at 75%, and used 6x12 page protectors to hold the paper.  I love having this story in my album!

- I printed out, filed and did journalling cards for our 2011 Western Australia holiday.  I plan to make a digital album for this trip, but I like to include a few layouts in my annual albums to show where that holiday happened.  I did just three layouts of our trip, here is one of them:

Plus I sorted through the memorabilia, and popped it into this Big Envelope in the album also.

- I printed the photos for the last few weeks of my Maternity Journal. I am now completed up to 39 weeks! I just love this book, I always read back on what has happened throughout the pregnancy, and marvel at how much things (namely my body!) have changed around here!!

- I also made a start on my 'historical scrapbooking' - the albums that I am going back to complete and/or fix up.  I am so excited that I have now completed January-April for my 2010 album! This included saving, printing, filing photos into the photo pockets and completing the journalling. I decided to take the plunge into back-tracking and starting my 2010 album.  I needed a project to keep my mind busy, and this has been a perfect little distraction for me. I have also planned and saved the photos from May-August, ready for printing when I next venture out.  If this baby stays put for another week, I am hoping that I will have 2010 completed - not that I want the baby to be overdue, but I need something to keep me sane in the meantime!!  Due to having my photos already saved digitally in chronological order, and my memorabilia and photos that were already printed all organised, it has made this process really quite simple and enjoyable! I thought it would be a nightmare, but I have been pleasantly surprised at how easy it is to put together the album. I have also LOVED using the Clementine Project Life core kit - it is so bright and fresh and happy!!

Preparing for Baby

- I have previously mentioned that I haven't done any major 'cook ups' in preparation for the baby, but I have been doing some double batches of dinners over the past couple of weeks.  So, not only do I now have my easy meal plan done for when we get home, but I also have the following meals frozen - pumpkin soup, yellow chicken curry and lamb rogan josh curry.  I know it is not heaps, but enough to see us through a few nights of not wanting to cook!!

-  And I have three frozen cookie dough logs, which I made on the weekend using The Organised Housewife's 100 Cookie Mix.  The idea is to defrost the dough, slice off the cookies and bake - without the preparation and mess!  How clever!  I left one log plain for jam drops, I added coconut to one log, and to the third log I added white chocolate chips - and I will buy some macadamias to stick on top when I bake them too.

And we enjoyed the batch of triple choc chip ones that I baked that day!


- I completed the series on My Study/Craft Room.  Now all of my room make-overs are revealed!  I honestly didn't think that I would get this done before the baby arrived, but I am so glad I did!  The post on how we made The Workbench just went through the roof on its first day out there... I have told my hubby I should rent him out to make them for people!!  If you attempt to make your own Workbench, make sure you share your pictures with me!!  I would love to see what you came up with :)

- I have also been busily working on a 3-part series which shares my Command Central Station.  I decided to break it up into 3 parts, so that I can really unpack the folders that I use with you all.  I am REALLY hoping that the baby arrives before then, but if not, next week will be our Command Central week on the blog.  This system has really worked for me for four months now, so I am really excited to share it with you :)

- My Facebook page has welcomed so many new friends this week too!  I am super exited to now have 400 Likes.  I will admit that my hubby became number 400 - he wanted to 'Like' me earlier in the week, but said he wanted to be number 400... so when it got to 399, I told him.  And then he left this sweet message on my page:

It just melted my heart <3

Have a fabulous weekend!!  I plan to!!

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