
Thursday 4 April 2013

Finishing Off Friday - 5th April 2013

This week was another very productive one for me!  Mick went fishing for three days over Easter, so I had lots of time to potter around the house.  This is what I got up to...

Preparing for Baby

- I finished off the Baby Zone in our lounge area.  This is where I will be feeding the baby, so I wanted to create some little packs of supplies that will come in handy during this time.  I will be posting more about this next week.

- I also double-checked our hospital bags, to make sure that we have everything ready to go!  It is getting so close now!


- I have spent hours sorting through this big box of random photos, which is now sorted in chronological order, dated in 'years'.

It has been an absolute nightmare trying to work out the dates for these photos, as for many of them, I hadn't written the dates on the back :(  I went through old albums to try to match dates, plus I went through my digital files on my hard drive to find dates there too, and I have messaged friends and family to see if they can help me with dates for events that they were involved in.  My mum always taught me to write names and dates on the backs of photos as soon as they are printed, and I was very good at this for many, many years.  Unfortunately, I slacked off along the way, and I also have lots of random photos that people have sent/given me.  Realising how hard it is to work out the dates for these photos has reminded me that if I am not immediately putting the photos into an album, then I need to write on them straight away!!

Another thing that helped me to reduce the number of photos in this box, was to throw away any doubles that I had.  I know I am not going to use them anytime soon, and if I decide that I want a copy it will only cost me 15 cents to get a copy done - easy!  To me, having this mindset has helped me to let go of all those doubles and it far outweighs the space that a big box of photo doubles takes up in my house!

I mentioned a little while ago that I wasn't sure if I was going to go back and 'fix up' my old photos, or if I was just going to leave them in their current albums.  This week, I have decided that I really HAVE to go back, as I am missing lots of photos from 2007-2010.  I thought that I had them all printed and in albums, but time must have gotten away from me over those couple of years, and I really must go back and create albums to capture our memories of this period of our life!

To break this project up (4 years of photos - eek!), I have decided to do one year at a time, starting with 2010.  I already have the Project Life Clementine Edition in my stash, so I am looking forward to using that for 2010.  Luckily, I have all of the photos organised in chronological order on my hard drive (you can read about how I do that here), so it shouldn't be too hard to go through the files and select photos for printing.  Then the beauty of Project Life comes into play when I just have to slot the photos into the pockets, add the pretty journalling cards and my job is done!  Then I will obviously repeat this for the previous years too.

Again, I am undecided about what to do with my pre-2007 photos.  I will see how I go with catching up on these 4 years of photos first, and then decide whether to leave them in their current albums, or whether to move them into a Project Life format.  I really do love having my photos in Project Life albums, but I have to take into account the expense of the Core Kit, the photo pocket pages and the albums - I know it is worth the investment, but I will have to spread out my purchases over the year, so that I don't blow my budget!!

Other Projects

- I reviewed my 2013 Goals sheet, and was surprised that I could actually cross off a number of goals that I had set myself only 3 months ago!  I think it is really important to keep your goals in sight, and review your progress regularly.  I blogged about how I am working towards my 2013 goals here.

- I packed away all of the Easter decor for another year.  The house is back to normal again... Except for of all of the chocolates that we are yet to eat!  I love these two bunnies that the Easter Bunny left for us - how cute are they??  It looks like they are making eyes at each other ;)

- I completed the BAS for Mick's company for the first quarter of the year.  His books are now all up to date, and everything is nicely filed and ready for future reference.  I finally feel like I am top of this small business gig!

- I reviewed our annual bills budget, which I haven't done properly since 2010.  I reviewed every bill that we have to pay over the time period of a year, plus added in extra for household maintenance or emergencies, and then divided it by 26 weeks so that I know what our fortnightly allocation needs to be.  I was pretty impressed that it has only gone up $100 per fortnight over this 3 year period, but it still meant a little re-arranging of funds to make ends meet.

- I completed writing the series of blog posts on 'My New Laundry', two of which have been posted this week here and here.  I have had 3 posts in draft form for literally months.  I finally got around to taking the photos to finish them off!  And I have created a new page to the Blog called 'Room Reveals', and the Laundry is the first room that I have featured there.  The page will be live very soon!  And the nursery and study will be added to this page in coming weeks.

- I also did lots of 'Nesting' - which you can read about here.  I did things like clean out the ensuite cupboards, the pantry and vacuum cornices and skirting boards - a definite indication that I am in nesting mode!!

So, there is another week gone, and another load of jobs that I can cross off my list!  I am not sure what 'Finishing Off Friday' is going to look like after the baby arrives, or what direction my blog is going to take...  I can't imagine having all of this time to invest in projects and blogging about them, but I hope that you all continue to follow along, even though I am sure my blogging won't have a regular pattern or focus for a while!  I am pretty sure there will be lots of swooning over baby photos... which might just keep you all coming back to visit ;)

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