
Tuesday 9 April 2013

My Baby's Nursery

Now that everything is ready for our little miracle when we bring him/her home from hospital, it is time to reveal the nursery!

If you follow along with my Finishing Off Friday posts, then you would have seen all of the bits and pieces that have gone into making this special room.  Today I am putting all of the pictures together so that you can get the overall effect!

This photo is taken from the doorway, looking into the room.  Outside the window is our pool and patio area.  A lovely relaxing outlook for our child, as they grow up :)

I decided to centre the cot underneath the window - I like this look.  I know it is not the most space-effective way of setting up the room, but for now we have plenty of room and it works.  I love the way that the curtain valance frames the window, and hence the cot, given that it is immediately in front.  My talented mum made the curtain valance for me - I love it!  There is also a roller blind hidden in behind.  At this stage we have no actual curtains in the room.  We are waiting to see how well the baby sleeps with just the roller blind.  I like a simplistic look, and blinds are less maintenance too.

You can see I haven't gone with a big theme for the room, given that we don't know the gender of the baby, I have just tried to keep things very neutral and then we can add in pink or blue later on.  So, the tones of white, cream and caramel, mixed with teddy bears is pretty much what ties everything in the room together.

I just love these cot bags!  I knew as soon I saw them that I had to have them!  I also bought the matching coverlet for the cot.

The bookcase sits to the left of the cot, and holds toys, books, a lamp and the baby monitor.

 It is such a sweet bookcase for a baby's room - it is not too big, yet provides so much storage space.

Along the same wall as the doorway is the chest of drawers.  I decided to use a double chest of drawers, so that it could also serve as a changing table too.  I love the drawers in this unit, they glide so beautifully, and the drawer dividers that help to keep everything in the drawers super organised were designed to fit perfectly.

Above the chest of drawers, we hung this gorgeous shelf.  It is nice and high, so that the baby can't reach it when being changed underneath here.  It is the perfect spot for keeping breakables or items that the baby probably shouldn't have access to yet.  Plus the little hooks just open up a whole new world of decorating options!!  Hanging toys, decorations, clothes.... the possibilities are endless.

And on the right as you walk in the door, I have the laundry hamper.  This is nice and close to the change area, so that flinging clothes in here will be a cinch.  I posted about how I re-covered this hamper here.

We are lucky to have built-in wardrobes in our house, so there is oodles of storage space in here!  I have organised all of the clothes according to size, and even made labels to help to keep it orderly (and to make it look pretty!).

Up the top of the wardrobe I currently have spare boxes of nappies, a box of instruction manuals and spare parts from the nursery furniture, and the spare fabric and ribbons from the projects I did in here.  The rest of the space is empty.

And finally, for wall art I created some simple designs and hung them in these white frames.  We plan on having some professional baby photos taken in the first couple of months, which will obviously be added to the room later on.

So there it is - the special little home we have made for our soon-to-be-arriving baby!  We hope that he/she is very happy living in this room!  We have had such a great time getting everything ready - it has been such a long wait for us and having this dream turn into a reality has been the best thing ever!



  1. So very gorgeous Cass!!! LOVE your baby nursery. How exciting, not much longer!!! :) x

  2. Thanks Bianca! I love it in there! It was tricky to stick to neutral, but I am really happy with how it has turned out :)


  3. Cass it is just beautiful. As per usual you have done a fantastic job. Good luck

  4. Thanks Mel!! I look forward to catching up with you soon to introduce you to our little bubba ;)

