
Wednesday 10 April 2013

Our Baby Zone in the Lounge Area

As mentioned in my New Carpet post recently, we have created a little baby zone/playroom in the lounge area of our home.  This area is right beside our kitchen, and obviously backs onto our lounge room, so it means that it is very central to where we do lots of the 'living' in our house.

I know that carpet is not the most ideal floor surface for a playroom in the long run, given all of the spills and dribbles that lay ahead, but for now I like the idea of the baby lying on a soft surface, rather than tiles.  And we have plenty of tiles elsewhere to do the fun things like playdough and painting down the track!

The area should also be pretty easy to gate off, once the baby starts moving, we have a few options to contain our little cherub, should we need to keep him/her out of the kitchen at certain times during the day.

In the back left-hand corner, I have my rocking chair and a side table, beside which I have put together a little basket to hold bits and pieces for when I am nursing.  In the basket, I have bibs, wipes, face washers, cloth nappies (for mopping up messes), a wrap, hand sanitiser, nappies, nappy sacks and a change mat.  I guess I have tried to think of everything that I could possibly need during a feed and put one or two in here, so that I don't have to run to the other end of the house during the feed.  I also have prepared the area with bits and pieces for me, including nursing pads, a notepad and a pen.  I used a spare handbag organiser to contain the smaller items in the basket, which has helped to keep everything in its own space, and also clearly visible and easily accessible from the top.

And on the table I have I have a coaster for my drink of water, a magazine file with lots of parenting magazines and baby catalogues I have been collecting, and a little basket of baby toys.

I am really not sure exactly what I will need here, so I have just put an assortment of goodies, based on what I have read about from mummy bloggers or from discussions with friends and family who are mums themselves.

For now, we just have a playmat and a rocker for the baby in this area too.  I know this is sure to change and expand as the baby develops, and I look forward to seeing how this area evolves as our needs change.

The only other thing in this area is our old toy box, which holds all of the toys that my niece and nephew play with when they come over.

Otherwise, the room is a blank canvas!  I look forward to sharing how the space evolves with you over the coming months :)


  1. Lots of baby wipes and lots of old cloth nappies for wiping up baby spew!

  2. Lol! Thanks Larissa - I think I will be using both of those things by the truckload!


  3. Hi, my name is Linn, I live in Sweden, I like your blog and have borrowed a picture from you and linked to your blog I hope that is okey, if not, please let me know and I will delete it immediatly.
    Here is a link:
    best regards Linn

  4. Linn,

    Thanks for letting me know! That is a great post about Fridge Organisation - I will definitely be clicking some of those links to check out their tips!!

