
Saturday 31 December 2011

Project Life - 2012

I started doing Project Life last year.  I was so excited when my kit arrived in the mail (from Canada, as NZ was all sold out!) and immediately set up my album for 2011.  As I haven't really done much scrapbooking before, it was a great place to get started, as everything was included, along with plenty of online inspiration from all of the bloggers who do Project Life! 

I went along ok, completing my album from January to March in record time.  Then one day I got some photos developed which came back really poor quality.  I needed to re-print them, but I just never got back there!  So, my album is empty after March :(  I have some random journalling cards that I completed throughout the year, and Mother's Day is completed, as I did some traditional layouts for this special day, but other than that I am very behind!!

So, with the new year upon us, I have re-committed to documenting my life.  As with all good intentions, a solid plan must be set in order to ensure that you are successful.  I have decided that the following things are imperative if I am to be successful with my Project Life journey in 2012:

- A dedicated space in the main living area (I know that I won't like being tucked away in a room for hours, away from my hubby - I would miss him too much!) 

Here it is!  I am so excited about it!  I will do a post dedicated to it in the next few days.

Regular printing of photos using online facilities (I know that I won't get to a shop regularly enough to develop the photos each month)

The motto, 'Progress not Perfection' (I know that I could spend hours on traditional layouts or embellishing Project Life cards, but I need to remember than in order to get it done, it must be simple - I would much rather have a basic album at the end of the year, than no album at all!)

While I am going to go back and complete my 2011 album early this year, my main goal will be to stay on top of 2012.  At this stage, I don't have plans to go back and create albums for the many years previous, as that would just be a mammoth task and I want my scrapbooking to be a hobby and something I enjoy, not something that is hanging over my head, where I feel like I am never to achieve my goal. 

I look forward to sharing my 'Project Life' with you in 2012 :)

If you haven't heard of it before, you can see this amazing product here.  Becky Higgins surely is one inspirational lady!

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