Friday 20 July 2012

Organising a Sock Drawer

Today I wanted to share a little organising project that took less than 10 minutes, cost me nothing and makes me smile everytime I open the drawer now :)

On the weekend I decided that my sock drawer needed a little makeover.  I had been a bit slack at putting away my socks lately (usually, they are all lined up neatly) and I was having trouble with my stockings - pulling out knee highs when I wanted full stockings, because there was no order in this drawer.  So, here is the 'before' photo:

I didn't want to spend any money on store-bought drawer organisers, and coincidentally I have been collecting these little clear tubs that 1kg of apples come in from the supermarket.   I use them as dividers in my fridge, and I knew I would find another use for them...  And here it is!

First, I emptied out my sock drawer (which contains my socks, stockings and bikinis), and crossed my fingers as I experimented with the best way for these containers to be placed.  I was so lucky to find that two rows of three containers in a vertical position fit just perfectly in the space!

Next it was the fun part - arranging my clothes into the containers.  Of course I categorised my things, grouping 'like' items together.  I was pleased to find that six pairs of socks fit comfortably into a tub, and I miraculously had 6 pairs of black socks, 6 pairs of white socks and 6 pairs of white ankle socks.  I had no idea I had so many socks!!  (I also found one more pair of black socks when I folded my washing today, so I am going to throw away the next pair that I wear that are a bit tight - I know one pair drives me nuts!)

Finally, I squished my bikinis into one tub - it is a bit tight, but I will deal with this next summer.  And I sorted my stockings into nude/black and folded them neatly into the two remaining tubs, with knee-highs on the bottom and full stockings on the top.

I just love a good make-over, and when it costs nothing, it is even better!


Anonymous said...

Good idea, I always have these tubs every week, but I was using ice cream tubs to organise my children's socks, undies etc and it was taking a long time to do. We go through the apple tubs a lot quicker though, thanks for the idea.

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