Saturday 5 January 2013

The Year of Finishing Off (2013)

If you have been reading my blog for a while, you will remember that 2012 was the Year of Good Hair.  I learnt how to curl my hair and do a few different hairstyles, which was lots of fun!

I decided, however, that 2013 needed a more serious focus.  As I am constantly guilty of starting new projects before finishing the ones that I already have going, and I have dozens of things that I would like to get finished (or at least make some progress on) before the baby arrives, I have decided that 2013 is the Year of Finishing Off!

I am not allowing myself to start a new project until I finish another, that includes buying things for a new project to 'put away' for when I am ready.  I have a tendency to get inspired for a new project, buy the bits and pieces and then it sits there forever waiting to be done!

Obviously, I have some big projects on the go, as well as some small ones - actually lots of small ones! I have a big tub overflowing with bits and pieces to be fixed/assembled/made/sorted.  Eek!

Not to mention the ongoing projects of doing up My Study, finishing decorating My Laundry and now creating My Baby's Nursery.  On the side - how anyone can get bored in this life is beyond me ;)

To help me with my Finishing Off goals, I have set up a page for my planner which details the current goals I am working towards.  I have allowed myself space for my 4 most important projects here.

I find that I like to have a few things on the go at once, as it helps to keep things interesting so that I don't get bored with constantly working on the one thing.  But there are also times when you have to wait until you can progress to the next step in a project (such as waiting for photos to be printed, rooms to be painted, orders to arrive, etc), so it is good to have a few things up your sleeve to continue on with in the meantime.

For each of the 4 focus projects, I have left space to list 3 'jobs' to do in that week.  This helps to break the project down into manageable pieces (baby-steps), and it makes it look so much more achievable when it is only 3 things, rather than thinking about the bigger picture.

I wrote my list for next week on Friday, and already over this weekend I have been able to cross off a number of the jobs!  When I have had some spare time and I have not been sure what to do, I just checked my list and off I went.  

It feels so achievable having only 3 things to focus on in each project, rather than a list a mile long, which makes me feel both overwhelmed (how am I ever going to get all of this done?) and guilty (that I haven't done more by now).

I am really hoping that this system helps me to achieve my goals of finishing off the many projects that I have started over the past few years.  I look forward to sharing the journey with you, and hopefully inspiring you to Finish Off something of your own :)  

Do you have have lots of things on the go at once?  What are you hoping to Finish Off this year?  I would love to hear about your projects!


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